Tamago Nigri (vegan sushi recipe)

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Left to right: "tamago nigri". pumpkin, cucumber, purple cabbage, brown rice maki. mango, avocado, carrot inverted maki. 

Hi guys! Today's post is going to be a short one. Just wanted to quickly share a sushi recipe! I actually took really long to make the platter of sushi you see up there. Around 1.5h! The most time consuming sushi to make were actually the maki rolls with rice on the outside. I'll only be featuring the tamago nigri in this post because the two other kinds of sushi you see up there are basically made the same as any other sushi roll, just using vegetables rather than meat. There are many recipes for basic maki rolls out there for you to follow :-) 

These tamago nigri actually taste better than the real kind to me :P Its very easy to make and its coloured naturally.

Vegan tamago nigri
Yields 3 pieces

The Ingredients

Firm tofu
1/2 tsp ground turmeric
2 tsp water
1 tsp maple syrup
Seaweed strips (I cut them out from a big sheet)

How to 

1. Cut tofu to size. Cut slightly bigger than your rice moulds (you can make without a rice mould but rice moulds make it easier) as tofu shrinks when cooked. I made the mistake of cutting to exactly the right size and you can see in the picture above how that turned out..

2. Mix remaining ingredients together and marinate tofu in the mixture for around 15 minutes or so to allow the tofu to absorb the colour.

3. Grill for 10 minutes on each side. The colour becomes a stronger yellow after cooking. I used a small multi purpose microwave oven. You can also bake at 180C in a preheated oven.

4. Shape your cooked sticky Japanese rice.

 5. Layer cooked tofu over each rice rectangle and wrap seaweed strip around each piece.

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  1. Looks delicious! I always end up doing a mess with all the rice though.. haha



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