Papaya Pannacotta
Saturday, June 07, 2014
So the other day, I made a papaya pannacotta using agar agar instead of gelatin! Seaweed vs animal bones, which do you prefer?
I've been loving Hawaiian papayas lately. This papaya pananacotta is so light and tropical tasting. It's also low in fat and very healthy :-) I served it with coconut cream and some berries. My parents really liked this one! However, I think it turned out a little too firm to be considered a pannacotta. It didn't have that wobble and was more jelly like. I used 1/2 a teaspoon of agar agar powder, I think you should use 1/3 tsp or maybe even 1/4 tsp, so I will make the changes in the recipe below :-)
Papaya pannacotta
Vegan, low fat, dairy free, gluten free
Yields 3 servings
The Ingredients
3/4 cup almond milk
1/3 tsp agar agar powder
4 tsp maple syrup
1/2 cup puréed Hawaiian papaya
How to
Step one: Heat almond milk in a saucepan until it begins to simmer. Turn off the fire and spoon 2 tablespoons of the hot milk out into a small bowl. Dissolve the agar agar powder in the hot milk, in the small bowl.
Step two: Add dissolved agar agar, and maple syrup into the sauce pan with the almond milk and bring to a boil. Then remove from heat and cool slightly. Mix in the papaya purée.
Step three: Line the base of 3 ramekins (about 1/2 cup each) with parchment paper. Pour the pannacotta mixture into the ramekins. Wrap with cling wrap and chill in the fridge for about 2h or longer until set.
Step four: Time to serve. Use a knife to go around the inner edges of the ramekins and free your pannacottas! Dip each ramekin into nearly boiling water for 40 seconds and then invert the pannacotta on to a plate. If it doesn't come out, keep knocking the base of the ramekin, or dip it in the hot water for a few seconds more. Serve with a tablespoon of coconut cream and your desired toppings :-)